Agility Obstacles Hobby
- Our hobby obstacles are designed especially for training, or for the equipment of canteens, where the obstacle to the precise performance of the obstacle according to the order of the agility of the Czech Republic and the FCI is almost neglected.
- Nevertheless, these obstacles for dogs are safe and of a quality comparable to professional obstacles. They learn to master the skills needed for agility or just to enjoy the joy of movement for dogs and their ladies.
- We offer the basic range of our hobby barriers, but we are able to meet your requirements for the appearance and implementation of a specific obstacle.
1. Zone Obstacles
All-aluminum cross section "Babby". This beam is made of aluminum profiles, the surface is a rubber elastic plate made of granulate. The advantage is low weight, easy disassembly and assembly of individual parts, simple transport and emphasis is placed on the safety of puppies and small breeds. Dimensions: L x W x H 2 + 2 + 2m x 0,3m x 0,6m.
Cena 8 700 Kč
The "Babby" aluminum handle is made of Alu profiles, the supporting plate is made of waterproof plywood or Al-plate, the surface is made of flexible elastic granite plate, edges are protected against damage or tear with thin-walled L-shaped profile. safety of puppies and small breeds. Dimensions: walls - 60 x 110 cm, height 80 cm.
Execution with plywood - CZK 4,500, all-aluminum - CZK 5,300
The sloping wall "swing", the swing, the beam - the zoning construction fully meets your requirements.
Wood, aluminum profiles or plastic can be used for their production. As a base for the surface, plywood, OSB etc. can be used. The final surface can be selected from crenate rubber, elastic rubber sheets made of granulate or we use a rug called artificial grass. We will be happy to help you make the color, size, material and other adjustments, if any.
Prices: from 3 400 CZK, swing - from 4 600 CZK, beam - from 5 000 CZK
2. Jumping obstacles
Circle, elevator, distance - even with these obstacles, we fully meet your requirements for appearance, size and used material. Obstacles can be made entirely of wood or in combination with Al profiles, wood, plastic, etc. For height obstacles, we offer the option to adjust the height of the obstacle to your needs. At the far jump, we deliver a basic set of 5 degrees that you build in any number.
Prices: circle - 3,700 CZK, long jump - 1,400 CZK, high jump - from 1,200 CZK
3. Slalom
We offer a simple practice slalom without a rigid construction, consisting of 12 plastic tubes, which, with steel spikes, are inserted into the ground at the required distances.
Price: 1 400 CZK