

We produce targets for Obedience and Dogdancing in a wide range of sizes and in two basic types - plate and elevated. Targets are made of quality spruce timber and are covered with carpet or artificial grass. It is also possible to produce atypical dimensions, according to the customer's wishes.

  Price from 120 CZK, see price list






10x10 cm

120 Kč

130 Kč

15x15 cm

140 Kč

150 Kč

20x20 cm

160 Kč

170 Kč

25x25 cm

180 Kč

190 Kč

30x30 cm

210 Kč

250 Kč

35x35 cm

250 Kč

290 Kč

40x40 cm

290 Kč

320 Kč

45x45 cm

320 Kč

380 Kč

50x50 cm

380 Kč

460 Kč

30x90 cm

560 Kč

600 Kč

   Portable Fencing

For space separation during exercise or organizing competitions, we produce portable frogs. Fronts are made of spruce wood, twice impregnated with glaze. They are easily portable and stand alone or suspended on portable columns. A stand-alone variant can also be used on uneven terrain, with the pillow variant being designed for even surfaces.

   The basic module has dimensions: d x in - 150 x 60 cm
   The price of this module is 1,100 CZK

složený plůtek